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The Google Sandbox effect, what is it?

The phenomenon called "Sandbox Effect" on Google would be a "penalty" imposed by the search engine to recent sites, hence, very difficult to have a good position on certain terms as they are in this "sandbox" ... Then, after a period ranging from several weeks to several months, the website "is out of the sandbox" and find a position more in line with its "logical" instead. Note that Google has absolutely no statement on this point. It is therefore impossible to know whether this "Sandbox" really exists ...

Many theories scaffolded for several weeks on the web to understand the reason for this potential penalty (some sites are in the "Sandbox", others do not) and how to avoid it...

To sum up the recommendations of several webmasters, especially in discussion forums, it seems certain precautions are to be taken when setting up a new site to avoid this penalty:

- Do not get, from the launch of the website, too many links, especially if the text is similar. Example: the day of the launch of a site, hundreds of links already pointing to him with a clickable text of the type "new site on the insurance" ... Google will "sniff" an attempt to "jam links" superficially and may penalize the site ...

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- Avoid, especially early in the life of the site, to get "backlinks" (inbound links) from sites on a theme different from yours. In other words, focus on links from sites operating in the same subject area. And if possible site "reference" in this area ...

- Overall, do not offer any "break" for your site: keyword too often quoted in your pages, too many links at once, too many links from sites with the same host, etc.

- In short, do things "smoothly", gradually, and everything should be fine!

However, it seems also that there is also a "Sandbox psychosis" on the web today. If your website is not very well positioned on Google, this is not necessarily because it was put in the "sandbox" by the engine, but it is simply not good enough optimized;-))

source : Abondance

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